Your seat is saved and confirmation email is on it's way!

Take just 2 minutes & follow the quick and easy instructions below to get the most out of this challenge

what's next?

follow these important steps to prepare for the live conference! but first...

Please make sure to check your inbox for an important welcome email from us with all the details for the Next Level Affiliate Conference. If you upgraded to VIP Experience, you will receive a Separate email with your upgraded access. If you didn't see it, please check your spam or promotions folder. Follow the 3 steps below to ensure your event experience gets of a strong start!


add to your calendar

Take 30 seconds right now, go into the clock app on your phone to set daily alarms at 8PM February 22nd-23rd... then maybe put a sticky note on your fridge, your desk & wherever you can so you don't forget. You're going to want to experience this LIVE and not miss a moment as each minute builds on the last...

Set aside about 2-3 hours every day so you can focus on playing full out! And keep an eye out for emails and text from us along the way... Check your spam and other folders just in case! (click below to add to your calendar)

Want to add to iPhone calendar? Please open this page in safari


join the private community

To truly play FULL OUT during this experience, you must join the private Telegram Community!  This is where you'll meet and network with other attendees, get special bonus trainings leading up to the event and some other surprises along the way.

It only takes 30 seconds to join, so knock it of your to-do list right now.

Plus, once you're in, you can introduce yourself to the other action takers like you!



Think of people in your industry or any friends or peers you've connected with along your Affiliate Marketing journey and invite them to join you at this event.

People need an experience like this to show them the exact blueprint for not just surviving as an affiliate marketer but also thriving in your business, impacting more lives, and creating wealth, PLUS you need an accountability partner to keep you on track! So below is a special message & link you can share with as many people as you want so you can enjoy this experience together...

Here's how you can go about this:

- Copy the text below and you can post it anywhere you want! Text, Email, WhatsApp, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc! (Tweak it to fit you)

I'm attending a free event Kenny Nwokoye is hosting on February 22nd-23rd where I'll discover the Proven Blueprint To Scale My Affiliate Marketing Business Income in 2025 - without spending more money on Ads or chasing leads. If you want a spot, they are FREE! Check it out ->



This is a one-time opprortunity to connect with Kenny Nwokoye Online on a personal level.

You get first level access to premium information and crazy deals, ask questions to Kenny and get responses plus a chance to be among the first person to get access to the amazing offers Kenny is about to launch this year.

To get access to him, simply follow the steps below:

1.) Click on button below - you will directed to his WhatsApp DM

2.) Save his contact as Coach Kenny Nwokoye and follow through with the process.

3.) You will be notified that your contact has been saved and you sit back, relax and expect the premium update from Kenny on his status. (Click the button below)


upgrade to get the vip all access pass for just ₦10,000 ($7)

If you upgraded to the VIP Experience, please keep an eye out for the bonus emails coming from our system that will give you access to everything you unlocked when you upgraded today! Didn't upgrade? It's not too late. Click the button below to upgrade and get the full VIP Experience


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